Beauty Hacks: Scrubbing according to skin type brings gorgeous look
Beauty Hacks: Scrubbing according to skin type brings gorgeous look

Every skin type needs a different type of care. Makeup and skincare products should be done according to your skin type. Today, we are going to tell you about scrubbing tips according to your skin type.

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Mixed skin: Since your skin is oily and dry somewhere, make sure that you do not adopt all the methods of exfoliating in a single day. You can keep changing between these methods and you will surely get its great benefits.

Dry skin: Exfoliation is very important for dry and scaly skin, as it will cover your skincare products within your skin and will be able to function effectively. Dry skin is also sensitive to mechanical scrubbing, so if you have dry skin, use cotton towels to remove dead cells. Apply the cleanser on your face and gently remove it with a cotton towel to remove dead skin cells and prevent any damage to the skin.

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Sensitive skin: Sensitive skin can easily cause irritation, redness or unwanted rashes. Therefore, do not scrub mechanically. Instead, use a gentle washcloth or muslin cloth to remove dead cells, so it does not get any rashes on the skin and your face looks bright. 

Oily skin: There is an extra layer of oil or grease on oily skin, so it is advisable to exfoliate by hand or with a brush for such skin. You can use a scrub. Apply it gently on the face in a circular motion, this will give you excellent exfoliation experience. This scrub dermatologist is tested and with a paraben-free formula, which will enhance and enhance the natural aura of your skin.

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