Beauty Tips! Talcolm powder keeps makeup set for a long time
Beauty Tips! Talcolm powder keeps makeup set for a long time

Talcolm powder is used by almost all the girls and women, generally, girls use it as to absorb their sweat and smell the body good, but do you know that using talcum powder can also set your makeup for a long time. Today we are going to tell you some special tips about the use of talcum powder. 

-Apply a little bit of talcum powder before applying mascara on your mother lash. Applying talcum powder on the eyelids will keep your makeup long- lasting. But keep in mind that whenever you have a talcum powder on your eyelids, close your eyes well, doing so will not cause your eyes to feel itching or any kind of problem.

-You can also use talcum powder as a base of your makeup. Apart from this, you can also use talcum powder to remove the viscosity of your makeup of the skin. By using the tail powder, your makeup is set well and it also absorbs extra oil from your skin. 

- If you want to make your hair silky, sprinkle apply a little talcum powder on the roots of your hair. Doing this, the extra paraffin contained in your hair will dry up and your hair will get a silky look.

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