Benefits of Coconut oil to Skin and Hair
Benefits of Coconut oil to Skin and Hair

Coconut Oil is is use since ancient times. The oil possess too many health benefits and provides one-stop solution to many problem related to health, nutrition or beauty.  From smoothies to bullet coffee, from oil pulling to cosmetic and what not, we see the oil usage in everything. Cocnut oil is not only used for edible purpose but used widely in cosmetic areas. Studies shows coconut oil improves and repairs the skin barrier function with its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It fights all the signs of skin ageing. Not only coconut oil makes an effective natural moisturiser and make-up remover, cures sunburns and lighten the scars.

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-Coconut oil for hair acts a great hair conditioner and nourisher, prevents keratin protein loss from hair. 

-A small amount of organic oil to the neds of the hair will gives a natural shine. 

-Coconut oil helps to lower the levels of yeast on the hair scalp that causes inflammation, flaking and scalp irritation associated with dandruff.

-Coconut Oil and aloe vera hair mask is a great food for hair. 

-Coconut Oil prevents hair loss and hair thinning and prevents premature greying of hair.

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Skin benefits includes:
-Coconut oil is rich in antibacterial, anti fungal and moisturizing properties and Vitamin E, clean and clear skin can be obtained without any harsh chemicals to the skin when used as a Moisturizer. 

-Eye issues like dark circles, puffy-baggy under eye, dehydrated under eyes or under eye wrinkles can be cured by a soft massage in circular motion around the eyes. 

-Coconut posses both healing and curing many skin allergies like, eczema, psoriasis etc. because of its linoleic acid.

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