Everyone has grown up hearing- An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away. What if we tell you about ‘a bowl of guava every day?’ Yes, you might have neither heard about this, nor do the doctors tell you. And the pharma industry might lose it all if they tell you this secret. A high dose of Vitamin C has a couple of benefits for the body, especially for the arteries. And this too, can come alone with the consumption of this amazing tropical superfruit- guava which is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, fiber and Vitamin C. One guava every day and you are done. It has got twice of Vitamin C as much as an orange!
Come, check out the ultimate benefits of having Guava, the super chargeup for your arteries:
Firstly, the Guava can prove to be a savior for those who have difficulties in the working of their arteries. As found in a study done in the 1960s on the legs of the people suffering from arthrosclerosis and heart problems, that a high dose of Vitamin C can keep any kind of blockage in the arteries at bay, including the ones in the legs. Thus, in order to keep the arteries clean, super flowing and super charged up, take a guava every day. The other potential benefits of having guava are:
Promotes digestion
One guava contains as much as 66-86% of the recommended daily fiber intake of an individual. Guava contains both soluble and insoluble fiber that can help with constipation and the symptoms of diarrhea. And the guava seeds, they too can do the magic. For those who have a problem with the bowel movements, the seeds can be a laxative.
Thus, guava aids in healthy digestion, also helping you with digestive issues.
Improved heart health
The Guava fruit is known to reduce blood pressure. At the same time, to promote good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. That is why, it results in an improved heart health.
Healthy Immune system
Being a good source of Vitamin C, it promotes a healthy immune system that protects you from infections and illnesses. Vitamin C, during winters fight bacteria and reduces the duration of cold.
Maintains body weight
Again, the high fiber content in guava can help with weight management. It is inherently a low-calorie fruit. And whenever you eat the fruit, you will find your stomach feel full for longer intervals of time. Thus, you won’t be overeating during your meals or in between these.
Moreover, the guava leaves can help in healing wounds, good eye health, improved blood sugar levels, and much more. So, just switch to the guava fruit for the optimum benefits to the health now. Go Guava!