Jujube leaf is beneficial for reducing belly fat
Jujube leaf is beneficial for reducing belly fat

Many things are beneficial for health. You will know about such jujube (Ber) how many benefits are there. But here we are going to tell you what happens with the consumption of plum leaves. Ber contains vitamins C and A, as well as calcium and amino acids, which have anti-cancer properties, along with it improves the immune system. At the same time, its leaves also help in weight loss.

According to the Journal of Natural Remedy, the intake of Ber leaves reduces the level of serum glucose and lipids which helps in reducing the fat of the internal organ, especially the belly fat. If you want to reduce your stomach then Ber leaves can be beneficial. 

Know how to use it-

* Take a handful of plum leaves.

*Soak them in water overnight.

* Drink this water on an empty stomach.

*How long and how much you will consume this water-

*You should consume this water once a day for a month and see the difference in your figure.

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