Bind this one thing in the broom of your house, this will bring riches overnight.
Bind this one thing in the broom of your house, this will bring riches overnight.

You all know that everyone wants wealth and prosperity in the house, but sometimes, despite some inadvertent intake, the money synthesis is not able to survive in the house. No matter how much someone earns at home, the expenses continue to grow and the money does not stay at home. It is said that such situations arise when Lakshmi does not rest in the house. They say that Lakshmi's mother is playful and she doesn't stay anywhere. Vastu Shastra, on the other hand, has considered it logical and anyway the broom is considered to be a symbol of Lakshmi Maa and keeping it in the house makes the mother permanently stay with you.

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It is said that Lakshmi Maa, a broomine in the house, should always be respected so that Lakshmi and the prosperity of the house remain in place and by brooming we take out the impoverishment from the house, that is, Alakshmi, and, as a result, Lakshmi is able to make permanent accommodation in the house. At the same time, it says that the broom should be bought on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, which enable Lakshmi to have a permanent residence in the house. If the broom turns out old, it should be thrown out on Saturdays instead of throwing it out on any given day, this day can do the same to the impoverishment outside.

Don't throw the broom out of the house on Fridays because it is the day of Mata Lakshmi and on this day it is like taking Lakshmi Swarup out of the house and taking out the prosperity and stability of the house. At the same time, bring a new broom into the house, first of all, tie a white thread on its handle. In fact, the red book says that even Lakshmi Mata is associated with the house when she binds a broom with white thread and does not leave the family.

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