MUMBAI: The Shiv Sena wants to challenge 152 of the 288 Maharashtra state assembly seats in the upcoming elections. The remaining 136 seats are left for its supporter BJP. With the heaviest number of assembly seats under its belt, the Maharashtra dominated party Shiv Sena plans to stake claim to the chief minister’s post.
According to Experts the Sena’s move to demand the chunk of assembly seats from the saffron BJP is in keeping with its chief Uddhav Thackeray’s vision of mounting a party CM while the BJP plays second hoax to Matoshree. However, the Sena does not mind to tie with the BJP for the next 2019 Lok Sabha polls under the 2014 seat-sharing formula.
The Sena head put up the 152-seat proposal before BJP president Amit Shah when the two held talks at Matoshree early this week. Shah reportedly promised Thackeray that he would meet him soon to talk about the formula frayed.
On the other hand The BJP may not offer more than 130 seats to the Sena in the state assembly elections, according to party sources. Shah has reportedly asked BJP workers, MPs and MLAs to be prepared to go solo in contesting upcoming elections.