BJP slams opposition, "Finding fault in EVM is a method to justify defeat"
BJP slams opposition,

New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party/BJP today, slamming the opposition( congress) for having the doubts over the use of EVM said that it is the only method top justify the defeat.

BJP leader Rahul Sinha said " the Congress' defeat is public's response for deceiving the nation"
Sinha told the News Agency, "The Congress and opposition will lose in both, be it EVM system or ballot. Nothing can save them from losing. When they were in power, they didn't find anything wrong in EVMs. Now all of a sudden, on losing, they have found faults in it. They welcome when the voting system changed from the ballot to EVM. Now, when they couldn't find anything, they started putting blame on EVM,".

He further added, "It is citizens who are losing confidence in EVMs. The Supreme Court in 2013 was also referred where it had suggested there should be the proper trail which should be indispensable. The EC should take note. Even SC has doubts over the tampering of EVMs. It is a time the EC takes this issue seriously and adopts credible mechanism, which we suggested of going back to ballot system. The political parties also suggested having an all-party meeting if EC thinks there is the need for further consultation. The EC also said we should discuss this collaboratively,".

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