Black police beating a black man is blamed on white supremacy
Black police beating a black man is blamed on white supremacy

United States: Despite the fact that all police officers involved were black and served under a black police chief, a British political activist has concluded that white supremacy was the primary factor in the death of Tyr Nichols.

"A police system built on white supremacy is to blame for the vicious, brutal, unjust, extrajudicial killing of Tyra Nicholls," London-born attorney Shola Moss-Shogbamimu said in an interview with Sky News on Monday.

"In both the United States and the United Kingdom, policing and criminal justice systems are based on white supremacy. This helps to create a culture where black people are seen as less valuable, their lives are treated as disposable, And their life becomes insignificant.

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"I'm just gonna educate some people," Moss-Shogbamimu said, as host Burley began to mention that the officers accused of killing Nichols were black.

She compared the Nichols incident to the death of George Floyd in May 2020, which sparked bloody Black Lives Matters demonstrations across the US and Europe.

The activist replied, "Between George Floyd and today, nothing has changed," in response to Burley's observation that Nichols' mother had expressed hope that her son's passing would bring change. I seriously doubt that anything will change until white supremacy, the root of the issue, is eliminated.

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Those who claim that a case of white racism did not exist in an incident involving only black people are illiterate. Mos-shogbamimu said. “White supremacy is a systemic reality that breeds racist white law enforcement and racial gatekeeper black and brown law enforcement,” Black and brown racial gatekeepers exist in politics, our health system, and the police, she continued. These can be found anywhere. Their goal is to promote white supremacy.

Similar claims have been made by some American commentators, including CNN's Van Jones and US Representative Maxwell Frost, a Florida Democrat.

Tyree Nichols' mother, Rowan Wells, claimed that the police officers responsible for her son's murder "embarrassed" their communities. She said, "I hate that five black people actually committed this crime against another black person.

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Criticism of the Sky News interview spread quickly. The claims were deemed "unbelievable" by British media personality Piers Morgan, who also said that "race-baiting liars like Dr. Shola do enormous damage to the cause of racial equality."

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