Rajkumar Hirani's film "Sanju" is being released on Friday. On the first day, this movie is going to earn huge earnings, because the theatres have started booking four days earlier. If you look at the bookings for all the shows on the first day, then there are only selected seats in every show.
In this sense, it seems that on the first day 35 crore rupees can come in the pocket. If that happens then it will break the record of Salman's film 'Tiger Jinda Hai'. Salman's film had earned Rs 34.10 crore on the first day on the first day, but it was not a holiday that day.
It can be said without any doubt that the biggest release of the year 2018. Now this is the biggest release, so will it be compared to the biggest opening. It is believed that this movie can get unprecedented opening. In the case of earning the first day this year Salman's 'Race 3' is at the top. The film took the opening day 10 days ago from 29.17 crores.
Fox Star Studios has also arranged for the opening of Sanju as the biggest opening. This production house is releasing it on more than 4100 screens. So much so that the film can earn up to 40 crores. The duration of the film is three hours. Because of this, the show will remain low. One day the scope of 5 shows is created on one screen. Therefore tickets can be expensive. There is also the possibility that it can last for more days and earn more money at one level.
Recently, its new teaser has been released. In this, Ranbir Kapoor can be seen in the style of 'Munnabhai'. A scene of Sanjay Dutt starrer movie 'Munnabai MBBS' has been shown in this teaser. The voice is in the same way as Sanjay Dutt. While in the trailer, Ranbir was seen speaking Sanjay's style.
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