hah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif starrer finally released on Friday.Zero has opened to unexcited response at the box-office the film opened on only a decent note on Friday, December 21 by earning Rs 20.14 crore. But on Day 2 film faced declination in its box office collection.
This was underwhelming considering that the film had received as many as 4800 screens and no competition from other new releases.But seems like the film has slipped further a little. On Saturday, the film earned Rs 18.22 crore. Film critics and Business analyst, Taran Adarsh shared the Box office collection of the film. He tweeted, pointing out the slip and tallying the figures to a total of Rs 38.36 crore in two days. His Tweet read, #Zero slips on Day 2... Biz should’ve witnessed solid growth on Day 2 after an underwhelming Day 1, but is struggling at the BO... Decline on Day 2 [vis-à-vis Day 1]: 9.53%... Fri 20.14 cr, Sat 18.22 cr. Total: ₹ 38.36 cr. India biz.
In this Film, SRk plays a dwarf ‘Buaa Singh’. Anusha is a scientist while Katrina plays an alcoholic actress.