BAGHPAT (Uttar Pradesh): A tragic incident took place on Tuesday (January 28) morning during the Nirvana Laddu Festival of Lord Adinath in Baghpat district. A 65-foot-high temporary wooden platform collapsed in the crowded Manastambha complex of Baraut tehsil, resulting in the deaths of 7 devotees and injuries to 80 others.
Additional District Magistrate Pankaj Verma has confirmed the death of seven people and the administration has ordered an inquiry into the incident. SDM Manish Kumar also said that strict action will be taken against the culprits and all possible help is being provided to the injured.Â
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has also given instructions to immediately take the injured devotees to the hospital and has wished for their speedy recovery.
After this accident, the injured were sent to the hospital in e-rickshaws, as there was a lack of availability of ambulances. After the incident, the police force reached the spot and controlled the stampede and sent the injured to the hospital.Â
Many questions are being raised on this accident, especially about security arrangements and disaster management. It is being told that the temporary stairs could not bear the weight of the huge crowd of devotees and broke, which led to the accident. People are angry with this incident and are questioning the negligence of the administration. They say that despite such a large number of people gathering, no concrete arrangements were made for emergency facilities.
Six police officers were reportedly injured in the incident, as per sources. Local residents stepped up to help in taking the injured to safety, while rescue teams took action on removing the rubble and saving those who were still stuck.
This is breaking news... More details to follow.....