Breast Cancer – Experience of a girl who face the Pain
Breast Cancer – Experience of a girl who face the Pain

Too much of awareness about the Breast Cancer is spreading day by day. It is important because every girl needs to know about it. And you should take the proper care of this aspect of your life. There is nothing like feeling embarrassment for talking about it or give it too much hype. Here I am sharing the experience of a girl who shares her experience on Facebook.

She wrote:
“Someone once posted a picture on Facebook of what breast cancer can look like. Not feel, but look like. In December of 2015 when I saw an indentation that looked like one of those pictures, I instantly knew I had breast cancer. I tried to feel for a tumour, but my tumour was non-palpable. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 days later and with stage 4 the following month. A heart did nothing for awareness. I knew what breast cancer was. I knew all about self-exams, but a picture of what to look for keyed me into knowing I had a terminal disease. We need to give REAL information, not cute hearts. Without having seen a picture randomly with real information, I wouldn't have known what to look for. Do us a favour; stop playing games with my life and start truly helping people.”

Next time, if you feeling something like the photos within your body, then go for the doctor session definitely.


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