The chief producer of smartphones in the early stage of the same, Blackberry has planned to give up making smartphones for their betterment. “We believe that this is the best way to drive profitability in the device business,” BlackBerry chairman and CEO John Chen said in a statement Wednesday. He said the move will reduce BlackBerry’s expenses by eliminating the need to carry inventory and by reducing staff and equipment requirements. BlackBerry was considered a game changer in 1999 when its RIM 950 allowed on-the-go business people to access email wirelessly.
This move to stop making their own signature smartphone clearly shows that the company is putting off some weights from their shoulder. Their reputation in the industry was based on their innovative creation on business class phones.
The Company will now only focus in making internal equipments making their way efficient in the software world. This move will be made by February 28th of 2017 when the company’s financial year ends.
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