This Elderly Earned Rs 20 Cr by becoming a carpenter, Saved The Future Of Dozens Of Children
This Elderly Earned Rs 20 Cr by becoming a carpenter, Saved The Future Of Dozens Of Children

How much can one earn for his whole life by doing a job of a carpenter? Five lakh, 10 lakh or so, a maximum of Rs 50 lakh or Rs 1 crore, but an elderly man living in Iowa, U.S., has been working wood for 67 years and Rs 20 crore has been deposited during this period. Now the world is saluting him fiercely for his noble work.

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The elderly was named Del Schroder and now he is not in this world. He used to do woodwork in Mohl Millwork. He died in 2005 at the age of 86, but on the way, he was able to shape the future of 33 children.

According to media reports, an interesting story was told by his friend Steve Nielsen that 14 years ago Dale had told him that he had never had the opportunity to go to college and therefore wanted to help those children with his saved money. Those who want to go to college and study and don't even have the money for it.

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According to Steve Nielsen, Dale's last wish was to start a scholarship fund, which was completed, and a total of 33 children have passed college so far thanks to their scholarship fund. One of them, Kira Conrad, has become a doctor.

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