Cataract can also be overcomed with Ayurvedic treatment
Cataract can also be overcomed with Ayurvedic treatment

It is often seen that after an age, a person's eyes start getting blurred and he/she is not able to see clearly. A disease associated with this is cataracts which are seen a lot. In such a situation, a person has a lot of trouble after which the operation has to be done, which brings the light of the eyes back again. But in Ayurveda, there are many such tips, with the help of which this problem can be solved without operation. Today we are going to tell you about this.

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- After finding out the disease, by rubbing Nirmali in honey and applying it in the eyes, the problem is overcome.

Bring green fennel tree and keep it in a glass pot or ceramic vessel, grind and filter it when it dries. Cataracts are removed by applying it in the eyes like antimony. Use it continuously for one to three months.

- Finely grind Naushadar and apply it to the eyes like Surma, cataract can be cured.

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- Applying an equal amount of honey in white onion juice and applying it to the eyes in the morning and evening, cataracts are cured within a few days.

- Cataract is cured by grinding Bhimseni Kapoor in the milk of a woman who has recently become a boy.

- Grind the fine quantity of bacha, asafetida, dry ginger and fennel in equal quantities and mix them in honey. By eating three or four grams of it regularly, cataracts do not grow and are cured slowly. This Majoon should start eating as soon as cataracts start. The sooner you start, the sooner it will affect. Keep eating until it is right.

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