The Causes & Relief of Burning Eyes !!
The Causes & Relief of Burning Eyes !!

Burning of eyes can be due to various reasons. It can be simple or complex. The burning of eyes can happen with or without other symptoms such as pain in eyes, itching, discharge etc. 

Burning of eyes can be because of several reasons such as infections due to dust, pollution, any chemical reaction, etc. The Even burning of eyes can be due to fresh air too if the air is too hot or too cold or too dry.

It can even be caused due to makeup, shampoo ingredients, moisturiser, sunscreen etc.

It can be cured by using some eye drops that suits you or the cause by which the problem has arrived but that only a doctor can suggest you. If the problem is small then you can use cold compressors at home and relax. 

Near the swimming pool or if sunscreen gets into your eyes, then you should wash your eyes with fresh bottle water and not the normal tap water otherwise, it can cause serious infection as tap water carries micro-organisms.

If you are wearing contact lenses on an outing, wear disposable ones as one gets sunscreen in it, you can remove it. 

Always carry artificial tears or pure eyes drops on an outing as it can reduce the burning if it is due to contamination or chemicals.
But if the problem lasts for long then you need to visit a doctor as its the case of eye and no one can take chances.
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