If you also tan neck, then these can be the reasons
If you also tan neck, then these can be the reasons

In today's time, people pay special attention to their face and hair but forget the part of the body that holds them together. Yes, we are talking about the neck, in fact, in today's time, people do not take care of the neck and due to this, it becomes black. At the same time, sometimes some medical conditions can also cause blackness of the neck. However, today we are going to tell you some easy tips to prevent the blackness of the neck and treat it.

Due to the dark neck-

- Poor hygiene (poor hygiene)

- Irritability (irritation) and friction

- High insulin level

- Acanthosis nigricons (deep, velvet spots within the layers of the skin)

- Conditions of other underlying skin and some medicines

How to avoid the dark neck-

- Clean yourself thoroughly and regularly for this.

- Apply sunscreen on both the front and back sides of the neck.

- Avoid wearing high neck shirts/turtle necks or heavy accessories. Yes, because these can cause friction or friction against your skin.

- Clean the neck regularly and do it in a soft way.

-It is necessary to reduce weight to get rid of skin folds on the neck.

Dark Neck Treatment - Apply AC creams that contain glycolic acid and retinol

- Chemical Peel

- Dermalinefusion Process

- Laser therapy

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