CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021: Safety and future of students top priority of govt
CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021: Safety and future of students top priority of govt

 Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhariyal ?Nishank? has opened up over CBSE class 12th board exams 2021. He addressing the media said that the ??safety and future of thousands of students?? across the country remain the top priority of Narendra Modi government.

The Union Education Minister also admitted that conducting the CBSE Board examinations for students in the prevailing COVID scenario is a huge challenge for the government. In the article published in newspaper, he wrote ?I assure all students and their parents that any decision taken will follow the yardstick that the safety and future of students is the highest priority for us.? The minister further stated that the board examinations conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education ?have an all-India character? as higher education institutions. The Class 12 exam is the first level of critical evaluation and assessment of student which helps in deciding the categorisation of merit, career choices and pursuance of higher academic goals. Pokhriyal is expected to announce the government?s final decision on whether to conduct class 12 board exams amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior this month month, after a high-level meeting, ?Nishank? had stated there was a broad consensus among states about conducting Class 12 board exams and an informed, a collaborative decision would be taken by June 1. Earlier on Monday, the Centre had informed the Supreme Court it will take a final decision within the next two days on whether to conduct class 12 board exams amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, another big news has come, Union Education Minister is admitted in the AIIMS as he suffers post-Covid complications. Stay tuned for further information.

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