According to the latest reports, on Friday afternoon when the HRD ministry and CBSE officials declared the cancellation of the proposed re-exam of Class 10 paper, thousands of parents and school authorities in the city celebrated.
Many families and their children shared their opinions on this good news that they don't need to give re-exam anymore. One of the parents said that whose daughter Jiya had appeared for the exam, said, “I was watching the live press conference of HRD secretary in disbelief. Of course, we wanted a cancellation, but that it would come so soon was a pleasant surprise.”
Srishti’s father Amit Anand said CBSE’s decision was the result of a collective agitation. “Parents and students across the country protested and showed the mirror to CBSE. It made them realize their blunder and they were forced to rectify it. Democracy won today as the public and media joined hands to save our academic future of kids.”
Mrunalini Dasture, a senior academician, said, “I think we are more excited than students now. We were thinking of holding a meeting with students and parents in a bid to motivate them but now that won’t be needed now.”
Br. Shine Alex, principal of Montfort School, said, “I appreciate the role played by media in enabling CBSE to reconsider their decision. Ultimately, they took a decision keeping the best interest of the child in mind.”