This specs, which is extremely special and unique, identifies such people
This specs, which is extremely special and unique, identifies such people

Our neighbour is a country of technology and has been using it in a new way. Let us now say that China has invented a prism that can also easily identify a criminal who is hidden in a crowd of millions, and the glasses are also called robotic glasses. That works exactly like a robot's mind, and this prism has used technology that can very easily identify the face of criminals. It's currently getting a lot of buzz on each side.

The Chinese police officer's mane is also sent to match the data of the offender's facial identification with the data from the wanted list and which is also control with the help of an app, and the police get all information related to the offender easily And the spectacles are currently being used in college campuses, ATM machines, railway stations and KFC restaurants.

In China, the spectacles have been very noisy and can prove to be very successful. Let there be no criminal incident in China, so in particular, the Chinese government has also instructed the glasses to keep the police always clothed, and in fact the spectacles have been linked to China's central data base with all the perpetrators Information is also present.

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