The girl on the street began to have a stomachache and then saw what happened.
The girl on the street began to have a stomachache and then saw what happened.

A recent case of crime has shocked everyone. The case that has come to light is from China's Zhuyan City. In this case a teen girl has given birth to the baby while walking on the beach road. According to reports, a 15-year-old girl was going to visit with her family.

On going a short distance away from home, the girl suddenly suffered abdominal pain and then gave birth to the baby girl on the road. There are also reports that the girl's mother claims that she did not know her daughter was pregnant and that she did not know anything. There have also been reports that the girl's family threw the girl on the side of the road and proceeded.

Shortly after, the police came to the spot and captured the family on the basis of CCTV footage. The newborn and the girl were then admitted to a nearby hospital and reports say the two are now undergoing treatment. The case is being vigorously held.




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