Chinese Police uses suspected criminal’s childhood picture on wanted poster
Chinese Police uses suspected criminal’s childhood picture on wanted poster

In an interesting incident, the police department of Zhenxiong, China’s Yunnan province, shared a wanted poster of a criminal, they were trolled savagely. The department used a 17-year-old suspected criminal’s childhood picture on a wanted poster because they could not find a recent photograph. According to reports, the picture on the poster is of Ji Qinghai when he was just a pre-schooler. Qinghai is now 17-year-old and has managed to evade arrest for a long time now.


The  poster was posted on the official website of the Public Security Bureau of Zhenxiong County on March 19. Since then, it has been ridiculed by a large number of users on social media. Although Zhenxiong police put out a statement apologising for using the suspected criminal’s childhood photo, the trolling continued for well over four days. The police department explained they couldn’t find any recent pictures of Qinghai and believed his facial features could still be recognisable. However, the explanation made things worse and eventually Police took down the photo.

When the wanted poster was shared on popular Chinese social media portals like WeChat and Weibo, some users found the police department had previously used childhood photos of two other criminals. The department took the other photos down as well but didn’t offer any apology or explanation.


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