The clock is very important in our life. The clock gives us the direction of time. The clock leads us to the path of success and failure in life. But keeping the watch in your house, take care of some things. It is necessary:
1- The clock should never be placed towards the south side of your house. A clock in this direction can obstruct the path of your success. You can put the clock in the direction of the west, if you look at the south side of your house then you will look towards the south direction to see the time. And negative energy coming from the south direction will continue to cause problems in your work.
2 -clock should be placed on the north or east wall of the house itself.
3-hour clock should always be placed in front of everyone's eyes. From where they can easily see everyone.
4- The dirty clock in the house calls negative energy. So keep cleaning the clock regularly, do not allow dust to be stored on it.
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