Colorful Diwali: Maharashtra celebrates Diwali without firecrackers
Colorful Diwali: Maharashtra celebrates Diwali without firecrackers

Following the path of many other states, Maharastra also prepares Diwali without firecrackers. As Maharashtra too struggles with the coronavirus cases, the state government last week issued guidelines for the citizens to keep in mind while celebrating Diwali. The government cautioned against bursting crackers citing ecological concerns as it damages the environment and adds to the air pollution and noise pollution. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, it cited the health of coronavirus patients both the people who are infected and the ones who have recovered as a concern. The guidelines request the citizens to not burst firecrackers and to celebrate the 'festival of lights' by lighting lamps. 

Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has hinted at a ban on firecrackers during Diwali and stated that the measure was necessary to shield Covid-19 patients and stall a possible second wave of infections in the state. “People should prepare themselves to celebrate Diwali without firecrackers this year. The smoke from the firecrackers can cause breathing problems. They are also toxic, causing further issues for Covid patients. We need to ensure that we celebrate a firecracker-free Diwali this year”. The minister said the state would ensure optimal testing and tracing, and that there would be increased efforts to ensure that “super spreaders” like vendors and employees working at public transit systems underwent Covid-19 testing.

Firecrackers ban in this state after Delhi, MP and UP due to corona

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