Company absconding with crores of people's money, police engaged in investigation
Company absconding with crores of people's money, police engaged in investigation

In Dakoladh near Rampur, a finance company ran away with money from many people. It is being said that the company was running in Rampur for the last 5 years but for the last 9 months the company neither returned the money of the investors nor did the employees come to the market again to collect the money. Regarding this case, some investors met the police station in-charge at Rampur police station on Tuesday and are appealing to register a case against the company.

Investors alleged that at present the company has absconded with around Rs 3 crore. The company's office was opened in Dakoladh a few years ago. In this society, some local people have been hired only to collect money from investors on daily basis. An investor's amount of more than Rs 1.25 lakh is left with the company.

Reports say that Naveen Bhaluni and Chewang Dorje told that the company employees used to collect money from them daily but no response has been received for the last 9 months. Regarding this case, Chewang Dorje, Sonu Kumar, Ravi Bahadur, Anita, Raveena, Kamala Devi, Sushma, Umadatt, Pooja, Sonu Kumari, Anita and Chandra Shekhar have lodged a complaint of fraud against the company in the police station.

Police have started investigation in this regard on the basis of complaint but due to the company running away, investors are worried about losing their hard-earned money. He has appealed to the police administration to take action against the employees and manager of the company. Some people have filed a complaint against the company. Its preliminary investigation has been started. After this further action is going to be taken.

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