Congress accuses BJP of scoring political points from surgical strike
Congress accuses BJP of scoring political points from surgical strike


New Delhi [India], June 28 (NT): A day after the video of September 2016 surgical strikes was released, the grand old Congress party came down deeply on his arch rival the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and accused its leaders of having political gains using the clippings of Indian Army's action against terror launch pads in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala while interacting with reporters on Thursday accused the BJP as it "shamelessly" used the surgical strikes for their benefit during the assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh.

"Prime Minister Modi's government is exploiting the slogan of 'Jai Jawan Jai Kisan' and trying to win votes using Surgical Strikes. The nation wants to ask them did Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh boast of the success of Army operations during their tenure, just like them?" Surjewala  was quoted by ANI.

The Congress leader also alleged that the Modi-led -ruling party cannot make the "sacrifice of the army a tool to garner votes for themselves."

"The nation needs to be cautioned, whenever Modi Government starts failing, whenever Amit Shah's BJP start losing, they misuse the valour of the Army for their political benefit," Surjewala added.

Underscoring the disturbances in the JK valley, the Congress leader asserted that the government has failed to have power over Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh has stated that surgical strikes were also held during United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government, but the party never scored the political points or credit for it.

 Worth mention here earlier on Wednesday, the video footage of the September 2016 surgical strikes was aired in public domain.

The strikes were held by the Indian army in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) in response to the Uri terror attack wherein 18 Army personnel were taken life.




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