Consumption of Guava takes care of the eyes
Consumption of  Guava takes care of the eyes

The fruit guava is very simple and cheap. This gives you many advantages It benefits from eating and even if it does not eat it also benefits, but if it is taken in any use, it can be more beneficial. Yes, we are going to tell you this today, knowing about which will surprise you. Vitamins and minerals present in Guava are helpful in protecting the body from various diseases. It also strengthens the immune system. So let us know some special symptoms found in guava. 
* Guava has many vitamins and minerals. These elements are very important for our body.

* Vitamin B9 in guava works to improve body cells and DNA.

* Potassium and magnesium protects the heart and muscles and protects  from many diseases.

* Regular intake of guava decreases the risk of problems like winter cold.

* Vitamin A and E, found in guava, nourishes eyes, hair and skin.

Guava contains beta carotene that protects the body from skin related diseases.

* Regular consumption of guava provides relief in constipation problem.

* Guava keeps metabolism right so that cholesterol levels are controlled in the body.

* Vitamin C is found in raw guava. Therefore, raw guava is more beneficial.

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