Coping with divorce and supporting your child!!!
Coping with divorce and supporting your child!!!

It’s never easy when a marriage ends. Whatever the reason is and whether you wanted it or not – A divorce can turn your whole world upside down. For children, divorce can be stressful, sad, and confusing. At any age, kids may feel uncertain or angry at the prospect of their mom and dad splitting up.

Coping with divorce

Coping with divorce can be very difficult as it can affect your home, life, family, child, responsibilities, job and everything can turn upside down.

Give your emotions a break

After a divorce it is not easy for you to behave the same without effects showing on your behaviour and actions. You need to give yourself sometime out from your daily routine, relax yourself and get back to normal.

Be determined to move on in life

Don’t waste your time thinking about the past – think about your future and move on. You can only learn from your past and not commit the same mistakes again.

Supporting your child

As a parent, it’s normal to feel uncertain about how to give your children the right support through your divorce. Once you and your partner decide to go ahead with the divorce. Talk to your child together and discuss the issue.

Helping your child cope with the divorce

Listen and reassure

Allow your kids to have a say in your decision to divorce. Let them know what is happening and be prepared for the change in their life. Listen to them and assure to them that everything is done for the good of the family

Provide a stable life

After a divorce the family can be affected emotionally and financially. Even after the divorce, make sure that your child is supported financially and emotionally. As parents together you will have to decide how to deal with the future of your child, so that your child is not affected.

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