Corona wreaks havoc all over world, more than seven million infected
Corona wreaks havoc all over world, more than seven million infected

Washington: Coronavirus, which has taken the form of global disease across the world, has become a cause of great trouble for everyone today. Millions of people are getting infected due to the virus. So at the same time, the figure of death is constantly increasing. Every day, news of someone's death comes out somewhere, while there is no end to this virus, or in this way the whole world is living in a time of destruction. The number of people infected with the global pandemic Covid-19 reached 7 million on Sunday. Given the increasing number, China has promised that it will strengthen international cooperation for clinical vaccine testing.

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According to the information received, the number of people who died due to coronavirus epidemic has reached close to four lakhs. As many as 7 million people have been infected with this dangerous virus worldwide. China has said that it will strengthen international cooperation to test the coronavirus vaccine in the future. This country of South Asia is engaged in vaccine manufacture due to the coronavirus spread from Wuhan city of China.

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According to the data gathered by the World Health Organization (WHO), five different clinical tests are being done on the human body by Chinese researchers and this is half the number of tests taking place worldwide. President Xi Jinping promised in the WHO managing body World Health Assembly that if the vaccine prepared by China would be useful for use, he would make it public for the world fraternity. It will be China's contribution in ensuring the reach and affordability of the vaccine in developing countries. China's Science and Technology Minister Wang Zhiyung said on Sunday that in our effort to prepare the vaccine, our fundamental strategy is to deal with the coronavirus. He said that but preparing the vaccine is very difficult and time consuming task.

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