Coronavirus reduces huge reduction in pollution over China
Coronavirus reduces huge reduction in pollution over China

At present, the outbreak of Coronavirus is being seen more in China than in the world. NASA (NASA) and the European Space Agency's pollution monitoring satellites have recorded a dramatic drop in air pollution levels in China (COVID-19) amid the outbreak.

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Earlier NASA pictures showed the falling levels of nitrogen dioxide in China last month, which was caused by the economic slowdown caused by the virus. The US space agency said in a statement on Saturday, "There is evidence that the decline has been due to the economic slowdown following the coronavirus outbreak. According to research scientist Fei Liu," This is the first time, due to some incident I have seen a large area such a dramatic unpredictability in pollution. To prevent the spread of coronavirus in China, manufacturers have closed factories.

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Regarding the matter, NASA's Earth Observatory said that the recent recorded fall may also be the reason for Lunar New Year. However, the researchers believe that this decline in pollution is not due to holidays nor is it related to any kind of weather. The death toll due to the Coronavirus outbreak in China has increased to 2 thousand 870. Health officials said on Sunday that the number of confirmed cases of the virus has increased to 79 thousand 824.

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