Coronavirus speedy spread causes concern in South Korea
Coronavirus speedy spread causes concern in South Korea

SEOUL: South Korea reports new cases of people infected by coronavirus. More than 500 new cases are coming to notice for every third straight day. The speed of viral spread was unseen since the worst wave of the outbreak came in spring.

The densely populated Seoul metropolitan area registers around 330 new cases. The 504 cases reported by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention on Saturday brought the national caseload to 33,375, including 522 deaths. The metropolitan area's homes are about half of the country's 51 million population, where health workers are struggling to stem transmissions linked to hospitals, schools, saunas, gyms, and army units. Epidemics are also reported in other major cities including Daegu, which was the epicenter of the country's previous major outbreak in late February and March.

The recent increase in viruses came after the government eased social distancing restrictions to the lowest levels in October to support a weak economy. Officials are going to reimpose some of the restrictions this week and could be forced to clamp down on economic activities further if transmissions don't slow.

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