In 2010, Takeshi Kuwabara of Japan was sentenced for the murder of his boyfriend Rai Isohata. After this incident, people were shocked when it was found out that Kuwabara was a Vakaresasaya. Vakresaseya means a professional, whom Isohata's husband hired to break their marriage. Vakresaseya Dalal Kuvabara himself was married and had children as well.
Kuwabara made such arrangements that he had a conversation with Isohata in a supermarket. He claimed himself to be a single IT employee who was a bookworm. The affair of the two began, which later turned into a real relationship. On the other hand, a colleague of Kuwabara clicked his picture in a hotel. The husband used these photos as evidence for divorce.
In Japan, such evidence is necessary in cases of divorce which do not happen by mutual approval. When the wife came to know of this deception, she tried to break his relationship with Kuwabara in anger. Kuwabara did not want to let her go, and in such a situation she strangled him with a piece of rope. The next year, she was sentenced to 15 years in prison. After the murder of Isohata, the Wakresa or the industry got a big shock. This incident surprised people.
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