Is corona in air around you? Now this device will help you find out
Is corona in air around you? Now this device will help you find out

Many studies claim that corona can make you positive even through the air, in which case it is advisable to wear masks and social distances in the presence of another person even in a locked room. Amidst all this, CSIR has now looked for a device that can test corona even in the air. The device will be useful in testing if there is a corona in the closed room.

The device has been manufactured by the National Aerospace Laboratory of CSIR. According to Jitendra J Jadhav, Director, National Aerospace Laboratory Bangalore, a message is also sent to all the members present in the room or hall to warrant themselves. The device has been named "PAN CSIR Air Sampler".

How this device works:
This device can be kept in any room or hall. It pulls the air of the room towards it. If the infection is in the air, it will reach this device. After keeping it in the room for some time during the day, the membrane of the device has to be tested by RT-PCR. If it is found to be positive, a message is sent to the members present in the hall that you were in an infected place.

The infection that spreads in the air is corona:
A new study of CSIR recently revealed that corona infection is an air-borne infection. The study shows that the risk of having a corona depends entirely on social distance and wearing masks. At the same time, closed homes and hospitals, where there are many infected patients, are more likely to catch air infections.

Good News: This medicine will end corona infection from the body in 5 days!

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