These 3 changes visible in new patients of Corona, completely different from before
These 3 changes visible in new patients of Corona, completely different from before

The country is once again witnessing a surge in corona patients. In the last 24 hours, 5223 new infections of corona have been reported in the country. According to experts, the speed of corona can increase once again. However, the most special thing this time is that the new patients of corona are seeing some new symptoms compared to the previous one. Not only this but a change is also being seen in the recovery from Corona. In fact, health experts say that the coronavirus is not taking the name of ending and there is a possibility that it will also end, while it is changing its symptoms, appearance and methods over time. Coronavirus has been such a disease that has affected almost all the organs of the body after being infected. In the post-COVID effect, it has been seen that corona has also damaged the bones.

Doctors say that corona patients are still coming forward but some symptoms have been seen in them. After closely monitoring the new patients of Corona, 3 major changes are being seen and the first change in these is related to the incubation period of corona i.e. the period of its infection. The second change is about the complete recovery of the patient who has been infected with the coronavirus and the third change which is being seen in some patients, not all, is the pain in the throat and the pain of this pain is the body. In patients with asymptomatic symptoms, since there are no symptoms, then any kind of change is less visible or not visible at all.

Doctors say that the first change in new patients is being seen in terms of its incubation period. The incubation period i.e. how many days after corona infection or exposure to the virus is the other person getting infected with it. Earlier, it was seen that if a person has come in contact with the virus, then he used to show the symptoms of corona within 5-7 days, but now its duration has increased a bit and now after 8-10 days of coming in contact, the corona is being confirmed in new people. During the previous coronavirus, the patient used to recover in 14 days and many times in serious patients, this period was also 14-21 days.

However, now that the corona infection is quite light or asymptomatic, weakness or pain etc. are being seen in the patients for about 1 month. Therefore, it is estimated that after being infected with Corona, the patients are getting into less trouble, but symptoms like fatigue, and pain are going on for about a month. Along with this, complaints of throat pain are also being received in new patients of Corona.

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