Be Careful! Effect on the masculinity of men due to corona
Be Careful! Effect on the masculinity of men due to corona

The havoc of corona infection is not over yet. However, it has now been reported that this is affecting men's manhood. In fact, if you believe in new research, the corona is reducing the fertility of men. This is because cases of erectile dysfunction due to corona are increasing rapidly. Let me tell you all that doctors at the University of Rome examined 100 men who had been infected with corona. Their average age was 33 years, but the results were shocking. In fact, these doctors found that 28 per cent of men infected with corona reported erectile dysfunction, i.e., they were moving towards impotence or partial impotence, in which they were not even able to have sex.

Let me tell all of you that in the common people, this problem was found only in 9 per cent of the people. Scientists, on the other hand, say that 1 compared to women. 7 times more men died of the corona. Not only that, the coronavirus is directly affecting white blood cells, reducing the body's immunity and thickening of the blood. According to research, blood thickening is causing problems related to the genitalia of men. Tell you all that according to research, the corona is making a difference to estrogen and testosterone, which are causing the rest of the problems.

On the other hand, increased testosterone levels are also causing respiratory problems. Not only that, but new research also says that sexual hormones were considered helpful in fighting corona so far, but now it is also seen that the level of sex hormones in people is declining after corona infection, which is a major threat. This has increased the risk of erectile dysfunction as well as complete impotence. Moreover, research says that coronavirus infection swells the risk not only for men but also for women. Doctors say the reduction in testosterone levels is causing menstrual problems in women and has also increased the risk of premature menopause.

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