Even common people can go and search diamonds in this mine
Even common people can go and search diamonds in this mine

There are many diamond mines on the earth from where hundreds of diamonds have been extracted and due to them, many diamond companies have been able to stand and become rich. You will be surprised to know that there is one such diamond mine in the world, where any common man can go and search for diamonds. Every person who gets a diamond here belongs to him. Yes, there is a place where searching for a diamond can make you a rich person.

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The mine is in Murfreesboro, Pike County, Arkansas State, USA. Diamonds are found on the top surface of a 37.5-acre farm located in the Arkansas National Park. Diamonds started being found here since the year 1906, hence it is also called 'The Crater of Diamonds'. According to media reports, in August 1906, a man named John Huddlestone found two glowing crystals in his form. When they investigated it, it was found that these are diamonds. After this, John sold his 243 acres of land to a diamond company at high prices.

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In 1972, the land purchased by the Diamond Company came to the National Park. The Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism then purchased the land from the Diamond Company and then opened it to the general public. However, people have to pay a small fee to find a diamond in this diamond mine. Till now thousands of diamonds have been found on the farm. According to the officials of the National Park, more than 30 thousand diamonds have been found on this land since 1972. Let me tell you that a diamond named 'Uncle Sam' was also found on this land, which was of 40 carats. It is believed to be the largest diamond ever found in America. Most small size diamonds like four or five carats are found here. People come here to find diamonds in large numbers. In this, he who has good luck gets diamonds and he who is not in luck does not get it.

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