Crypto-market watch today: Bitcoin Ethereum fall, Cardano surges
Crypto-market watch today: Bitcoin Ethereum fall, Cardano surges

The global cryptocurrency market capitalization dropped 2.26 percent to USD2.02 trillion, while trading volume had increased by 21.51 percent to USD77.49 billion as of January 18.

Stablecoins accounted for 77.67 percent of the overall 24-hour crypto trading volume, or USD60.19 billion, while decentralised finance (DeFi) contributed for 15.93 percent at USD12.34 billion. Bitcoin's market share increased by 0.24 percent to 39.62 percent this morning, and it was trading at USD42,232.83. Ethereum lost 2.65 percent to Rs 2,57,489.5, while Bitcoin fell 0.94 percent to Rs 33,76,785.

Cardano is up 10.88 percent to Rs 127.40, while Avalanche is down 3.95 percent to Rs 6,938.36. Over the previous 24 hours, Polkadot declined 3.06 percent to Rs 2,064.73 and Litecoin increased 0.69 percent to Rs 11,949, respectively. Tether is now trading at Rs 79.9, up 0.43 percent. Memecoin SHIB plummeted 3.28 percent to Rs 13.56, while Dogecoin lost 2.45 percent to Rs 13.56. Terra (LUNA) is now trading at Rs 6,200, down 9.01 percent.

In addition, Spain's National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has taken action against cryptocurrency promotion. Influencers will be required to reveal if they are paid to promote cryptocurrency. If this is the case, Spain's new guidelines require influencers to provide "clear, balanced, unbiased, and non-misleading" remarks about cryptocurrency dangers.

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