Add dates to your diet to shed those extra kilos
Add dates to your diet to shed those extra kilos

Dates are so good for health to say it weight loss diabetes, or muscle gainer. They are naturally sweet in taste. These fruits are more like staple food from thousands of years with many health benefits and you can have as snacks too. The special sort of way to add into your diet is to have 2 dates and milk in your morning meal and 2 dates in lunch and supper with full dinners. You can easily converse it as you feel.

Dates for weight loss :

1) Dates are filled with nutrients and fiber that gives you the feeling of satiety.
2) It prevents the sudden spike of blood glucose and fats absorption and has unsaturated fatty acids that reduce inflammation.
3) It is one of the best sources of protein that satiates your hunger while you are on your weight loss diet by reducing sudden hunger pangs.
4) Dates have antioxidants removing toxins; improves digestion which is the key to the weight loss process.

Different approaches to have dates:

1. You can easily pull out the seed of it and fill it with walnuts or any other dry fruits.

2. Likewise you can add chopped dates to your mixed veggie salads or any sweet dish to avoid refined sugar.

3. You can avoid using refined sugar to your meals by adding dates to milk, custard, dips, cakes, etc.

4. It is a great idea to have 4-6 dates daily to satisfy your sweet tooth without having any bad calories.

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