Bollywood's leading lady, Deepika has again exceeded her list of achievements. The star has graced the cover of TINGS London. After becoming the only Indian to be featured on TIME's 100 influential people in the world, the ace actress has made every one stunned by this news.
The 'Mastani' of B-town has now secured her position in one of the most prestigious publication. In a short span of time, the actress has created her space on a global platform. She is the part of a club where she is termed as the 'Queen of 100 crores' club. In the same club, the actress holds the most number of films in her career graph.
Her recent release, 'Padmavat' was a big hit at the box office and also have clocked over 300-crores. the actress is famous for her period film characters. She has bagged many awards in acting sections and is also a fashion icon in the film industry.
Apart from acting, Padukone is also known face of various social causes. She became the first actress to openly address the condition of mental illness and her suffering from depression. The actress currently has been working towards creating awareness and supporting mental illness with her NGO, The Live Love Laugh Foundation (TLLF).