New Delhi: Delhi court on Saturday postponed the hearing on the bail plea of the accused of cross-border violence. Now the case will be heard on 31 December. Along with this, the court has demanded medical report of the injured policeman. On Friday, a court in New Delhi arrested Delhi Police for ascertaining the age of an accused who claimed to be a minor and arrested for violent protests in Seemapuri against the Revised Citizenship Act (CAA). (Bone ossification test) is allowed.
Police told the court that the accused has no valid proof of his age and his bones need to be examined, after which Metropolitan Magistrate Geeta has given permission to the police. The court has asked the police to submit the report by December 30. Lawyers Zakir Raza and Monis Rais had filed a petition claiming that the accused is a minor.
While hearing this petition, the court noted that the documents provided by the lawyers to prove the age of the accused are not valid. The lawyers had produced certificates issued by the madrasa where the accused studied. The court did not consider it valid and ordered to examine the bones.
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