New Delhi: The High Court of Delhi on Friday sought CBI’s reply on the bail application of Ex Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh’s lawyer Anand Daga in connection with a corruption case. Justice Yogesh Khanna issued notice on the plea and listed it for further hearing on September 27. The development came after Daga's bail application was rejected by Special CBI Judge Vimal Kumar Yadav earlier this week.
It was On September 8 that a Special CBI court here had rejected Daga’s bail application, saying that the investigation was still inconclusive and recoveries made during the investigation connected him with the alleged offence.
As per reports, Justice Yogesh Khanna issued notice on the bail application filed by Daga. The Court had sent Daga and Sub-Inspector Abhishek Tiwari to 14 days of judicial custody earlier this week while dismissing the application moved by CBI seeking further police remand for five days.
Special Judge Vimal Kumar Yadav had stated that the accused himself was a lawyer and was well-familiar with the legal process and that it could not be ruled out that he may try to influence the investigation which was not confined to a particular geographical area. “Hence, considering the entire gamut of facts and circumstances, the accused does not deserve to be considered for bail at this stage,” the judge had said, adding that Daga was “facing allegations of serious nature”.
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