New Delhi: The High Court on Wednesday asked tough questions to the Kejriwal government in Delhi over the shortage of vaccine in Delhi. The court has also questioned a large number of vaccination centres opened even after the shortage of Covaxin The High Court asked the Delhi government, "If you cannot provide another dose of covacin, why did it start vaccination centres in a big way?"
The court further asked whether you can provide the second dose to the people before the expiry of the six-week deadline after taking the first dose of the Covaxin The Delhi High Court on Wednesday said that if the Delhi government cannot ensure that people get both doses of covaxin in within the stipulated time frame, so many vaccination centres should not have been started vigorously. Justice Rekha Palli issued a notice to the Delhi government asking it to explain whether it can provide the second dose before the expiry of the six-week deadline to those who have taken the first dose of Covaxin
The Delhi High Court has also issued notices to the Centre on two petitions urging it to provide both doses of covaxin and covishield in the national capital.
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