Delhi Universities Expand Global Ties, Opening New Avenues for Students
Delhi Universities Expand Global Ties, Opening New Avenues for Students

Universities in Delhi are strengthening their global collaborations, paving the way for a wide array of opportunities for students. Delhi University (DU) has initiated partnerships with institutions in Australia and Japan, while IP University is launching new programs in collaboration with a university in Poland.

Expanding International Partnerships

IP University has been particularly active in building global alliances, maintaining agreements with 17 universities worldwide. These collaborations include academic exchanges, research initiatives, and mobility programs for students and faculty. Notably, the university plans to introduce four dual-degree programs soon.

Among the new offerings is a Master of Science in Digital Production for Sustainable Manufacturing, a four-semester program set to commence in March 2025 in partnership with AGH University of Krakow, Poland. Discussions are also underway with Australian Catholic University for a dual-degree program in Bachelor’s in Human Rights and with Szechenyi Istvan University in Hungary for a Master of Science in Architecture and Design.

This year, three DU students participated in the Niigata University Summer Programme in Japan, which emphasized cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. The program focused on the Japanese philosophy of "Enryo," which highlights mindfulness of others' emotions and needs. Similarly, two DU students took part in a week-long cultural immersion program at HSE University in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Looking ahead, DU plans to establish programs where students can study a semester abroad to gain international exposure. A university official noted, “DU is committed to being an integral part of the global academic community. Our partnerships aim to provide students with joint programs, research initiatives, and international exchange opportunities.”

Joint PhD Program by IIT Delhi and UQ

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, have joined forces to offer a joint PhD program through the UQ-IIT Delhi Research Academy (UQIDAR). This unique initiative allows students to study at both institutions, earning a jointly awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. Depending on their home institution, students spend three years in India and one year in Australia or vice versa.

These collaborations reflect Delhi's universities' efforts to provide students with global opportunities and a well-rounded educational experience. By fostering academic excellence through international partnerships, students gain the skills and exposure needed to excel in a rapidly globalizing world.

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