After the voting in the Delhi Assembly elections, counting of votes has started from 8 am today. After which trends have started coming. In such a situation, the public eye is on the trends of the Rohini assembly seat. BJP's Vijendra Gupta has passed by 2000 votes from this seat. Earlier, according to information received from the Election Commission, BJP candidates were ahead before here and later they were behind. Rajesh Nama Bansiwala of Aam Aadmi Party has lagged behind.
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This time in the Delhi Assembly elections, there is a tough fight between the Congress BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party. While the battle has reached an exciting turn in this election, the results coming today will tell whom the people have made Delhi's seat. This time, a total of 62.50 percent votes have been cast in the assembly elections.
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This time, where the political parties had expressed their displeasure over the delay in releasing the election data, the Commission had given clarification on this. On the delay in releasing the data, the Election Commission said that data was collected from EVMs till late Saturday, hence there was a delay in releasing the election data.