Devotion thoughts, messages And images
Devotion thoughts, messages And images

1- GOD’s great gift are answered prayers.

GOD’s greatest gift are unanswered prayers.


2- Your talent is GOD’s gift to you.


3- Drop to your knees and GOD will hear you better that way.


4- For light we must directly go to the source (GOD) and not to any of the reflections.


5- Without GOD, I cannot succeed

With GOD, I cannot fail.


6- GOD is not only fatherly, HE is also motherly.

7- No GOD, no peace

Know GOD, Know peace.


8- GOD is closer than you think.


9- Nothing stays forever in your life except GOD.


10- If you are sincerely seeking GOD, He will make His existence evident to you.

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