TV actress Shoaib Ibrahim's wife and TV actress Deepika Kakkar, who made a mark in the TV industry by becoming Big Boss winner, has once again accepted to become a bride. She has become a bride once again. But this time she has become a bride for her show 'Kahan Hum Kahan Tum', and she looks amazing. You can see recently, Deepika shared her photo in the bride's getup on her social media account and wrote in the caption @helo_indiaofficial.
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You can see Deepika is seen wearing a red lehenga in this picture. She wore a red lehenga just like a bride and she applied vermillion on her forehead. She wore Mang Tika and a heavy necklace around the neck. With this, she is seen to be a great bride in this getup. Deepika's fans are loving this look of hers. Fans are commenting on Deepika's photo and praising her, and a fan has written, 'There is no one sweeter than you as a bride'.
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At the same time, another fan has written, "After becoming a bride, you are looking like a princess" The chemistry and acting of these two are being liked a lot. At the moment these pictures of her have rocked everywhere.
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