The popular actress Disha Patani never fails to win the hearts of the fans with her hot photos. Her smoking hot pictures on makes rounds on the internet. Although she has been criticised many times for posting some bold pictures, Baaghi 2 actress remains unfazed by all the criticisms.
Disha never leaves an opportunity to flaunt her perfectly toned body. The actress took to Instagram to share yet another picture in bikini. In this photo, we can see Disha flaunting her bikney body in water.
Disha who is blessed with gorgeous features perfectly toned body will be next seen in a Salman Khan starrer Bharat .The film is slated for an Eid 2019 release and it one of the most anticipated releases of the year. There is not much information about Disha's role in the film but reports suggests the actress will be playing a trapeze artist in the film. Director Ali Abbas Zafar revealed that glimpse of Bharat is going to have a special release date so one can guess that it might release on any religious or national day.