DIY Make Up Product by using natural ingredients
DIY Make Up Product by using natural ingredients

It is always great to have makeup products that multi-task. It is even better if these multi-tasking cosmetics are non-toxic and vegan since such formulations will benefit your overall skin health. Speaking of natural multi-tasking cosmetics, here is a cool DIY project for all you makeup mavens that love a good lip and cheek tint. Read on to create this amazing product in a few minutes.

What you need:

2 tablespoons beetroot powder

2 tablespoons almond oil

Reusable empty nail polish bottle

Directions: Clean up an old nail polish bottle with acetone and cotton swabs so that you can reuse it as a storage and applicator for this natural lip and cheek tint. Mix the beetroot powder and the almond oil in a small bowl to achieve a tinted liquid. Pour this liquid into the recycled nail polish bottle.

To use: Apply a drop of this tint on your lips and cheeks, and blend to achieve a tinted glow.

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