DIY nail cuticle oil helps you to get beautiful and shiny nails
DIY nail cuticle oil helps you to get beautiful and shiny nails

Your fingers are constantly at work! They go through a rough time what with all the daily chores and routines you undergo, be it washing dishes, typing, eating, and so on. Additionally, we also love keeping our talons neat and clean and often doll them up in beautiful shades of nail polish.

Cuticle oils are a great way to keep your nails and cuticles healthy and in check. While there are a number of such oils available in the market, you could try creating your own personified blend with the help of nourishing essential and carrier oils that resonate with your senses. We have jotted down a simple DIY recipe to create your own cuticle oil at home.

•    4 tablespoons jojoba oil
•    4 tablespoons vitamin E oil
•    3 tablespoons avocado oil
•    3 tablespoons grapeseed oil
•    6 drops essential oil of choice (lavender, tea tree, lemon, rosemary)

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Pour this mixture into a clean roller bottle, dropper bottle or a clean recycled nail polish bottle that will make it easy for application.

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